Downloadable Assets to help your practice market Colgate Max White Luminous Professional Whitening to your patients.

Everything from waiting room videos to social media assets, we've got you covered!

  • Waiting Room Video

    This video can be downloaded and played in your practice on any screen.

    View & Download Now 
  • How to Use Video

    Feel free to share this video with any of your patients at the start of their Luminous treatment. A simple 2 minute video that takes the user through every step of the treatment.

    View & Download Now 


Use the checklist to ensure your patient receives the perfect treatment, every time.

From your pre-treatment tasks, to your in chair demonstration, this checklist will set your patients up for success.

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Use this form to ensure patient and dentist consent before use of Colgate Luminous Professional Whitening treatment.

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Download these assets to share on your practice social media.

  • How to Use - Header Image

    Used as part of a 3 image post, share this image as the main image. Social Media users can then scroll to view the four steps.

    Download Now 
  • Social media asset on how to use Colgate Luminous

    How to Use - Steps 1 & 2

    Used as part of a 3 image post, share this image as the second image. Social Media users can then scroll to view the four steps.

    Download Now 
  • How to Use - Steps 3 & 4

    Used as part of a 3 image post, share this image as the main image. Social Media users can then scroll to view the four steps.

    Download Now 

    Download this tile for your social media profile to show your patients that you're proud to be a provider!

    Download now